Volunteer Positions


The Cherry City Volunteer Fire Company is a 100% Volunteer fire service.  We rely on members of the community to respond to calls, work details, work fundraisers and train… without getting paid!  Before you turn your back and say “It’s not worth it”, there are many benefits to being a volunteer firefighter or member:

Community Service:  Giving back to the community in which you live, by providing a service that does not receive tax monies (Yes, we save the Township on average about $2,000,000+ annually by providing this service)

Free Training: Learn skills that could be beneficial to you

Free Education: Allegheny County and CCAC offer a FireVEST Scholarship to volunteer firefighters, in order to further your education!

Friendship: Meet a group of people who are willing to help their neighbors!

Physical Fitness: We have a gym in the building and members are always looking for someone to work out with! Remember, it is fun and motivating to work as a team!

The Trucks, Of Course!: Getting to ride on the awesome trucks… who could ask for anything better??!!

We have been around since 1919, relying on volunteers to run this place, build our building, work to pay for the fire trucks and pay for the utilities.  Remember, membership doesn’t always have to be in the form of a firefighter.  We are always looking for people who can help…

Our Organization

The Cherry City Volunteer Fire Department is staffed by volunteers filling various roles from administrative to operational.  You do not need to fight fires to be a member who can make a difference.

There are two areas of governance within the fire department:


The Fire Chief and his/her line officers manage the firefighting, emergency operations, and training aspect of the department. They exercise command and control on the fire ground, EMS calls, training, parades, and any operational event.


The President and his/her executive officers manage the administrative and business related functions of the department. This ranges from financial affairs to building maintenance, insurance, technology support, and fundraising.

Active Membership

There are four sub-types in the Active area, members of this type have voting rights within the department and may hold leadership (elected or non-elected) positions on the operational side of the department.  There are training requirements that must be met in order to conduct operations of each level, in-house & fire school training is offered.

  • Interior Firefighter:  (18+ years of age) Conducts fire suppression, technical & vehicle rescue, fire prevention, and other operational skills.
  • Exterior Firefighter: (18+ years of age) Conducts assistance on an emergency scene as needed, however not directly involved with suppression and/or rescue operations.
  • Fire Police: (21+ years of age) Conduct traffic operations to assist police and provide safety zones for emergency personnel on the fire/rescue ground. Fire Police answer to the Shaler Township Police, however are required to be a member of a Shaler Township Fire Company.
  • Junior Firefighter: (14-17 years of age) Teenagers who train along side active adult members, conduct limited fire ground operations, and attend Fire School.

Business Membership

Members of this type are non-operational in nature and support the overall operation of the department.  This includes but is not limited to administrative assistance, building maintenance, community relations, financial/accounting, fund-raising, mechanics, public relations, technology, etc…   Members of this type have voting rights within the department and may hold executive offices in the department and serve as committee chairs.

Honorary Membership

The department may from time to time bestow Honorary membership on a individual whom has performed acts of high support or ability that assisted the department. Typically, the member must have 10 years of active service and is unable to participate in daily activities of the Company due to moving out of the district, illness, etc.

Life Membership

Life membership is offered to those whom have completed 25 years of service to the company. Members can remain active in the company or take a step back from the active volunteer status. Life members who meet the required time for Active or Business remain qualified to vote in company elections and day-to-day activities.

Thinking of Joining?

We invite you to fill out an application for membership! You can CLICK HERE or follow the JOIN US tab on the menu!